samedi 17 septembre 2016

Testing thread safety fails with Spock

The subject

I have some code that is decidedly not thread safe:

public class ExampleLoader
    private List<String> strings;

    protected List<String> loadStrings()
        return Arrays.asList("Hello", "World", "Sup");

    public List<String> getStrings()
        if (strings == null)
            strings = loadStrings();

        return strings;

Multiple threads accessing getStrings() simultaneously are expected to see strings as null, and thus loadStrings() (which is an expensive operation) is triggered multiple times.

The problem

I wanted to make the code thread safe, and as a good citizen of the world I wrote a failing Spock spec first:

def "getStrings is thread safe"() {
    def loader = Spy(ExampleLoader)
    def threads = (0..<10).collect { new Thread({ loader.getStrings() }}

    threads.each { it.start() }
    threads.each { it.join() }

    1 * loader.loadStrings()

The above code creates and starts 10 threads that each calls getStrings(). It then asserts that loadStrings() was called only once when all threads are done.

I expected this to fail. However, it consistently passes. What?

After a debugging session involving System.out.println and other boring things, I found that the threads are indeed asynchronous: their run() methods printed in a seemingly random order. However, the first thread to access getStrings() would always be the only thread to call loadStrings().

The weird part

Frustrated after quite some time spent debugging, I wrote the same test again with JUnit 4 and Mockito:

public void getStringsIsThreadSafe() throws Exception
    // given
    ExampleLoader loader = Mockito.spy(ExampleLoader.class);
    List<Thread> threads = IntStream.range(0, 10)
            .mapToObj(index -> new Thread(loader::getStrings))

    // when
    threads.forEach(thread -> {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // then
    Mockito.verify(loader, Mockito.times(1))

This test consistently fails due to multiple calls to loadStrings(), as was expected.

The question

Why does the Spock test consistently pass, and how would I go about testing this with Spock?

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