vendredi 30 janvier 2015

How can we tell grails mongodb unit test to use a db?

I setup a db in mongodb called spotlight. To connect to that database, I use the following environment setup in DataSource.groovy:

grails {
mongo {
host = "localhost"
port = 27017


environments {
development { // MongoDB instance running without --auth flag.
grails {
mongo {
databaseName = "spotlight"
test {
grails { // MongoDB instance running without --auth flag.
mongo {
databaseName = "spotlight"


This is my unit test class:

class BiographySpec extends Specification {

def setup() {

def cleanup() {

void "given a bio then find() returns that bio object"() {

Biography bio = new Biography()

def nameOf1stImage = "firstImage.png"
def nameOf2ndImage = "secondImage.png"
def nameInBio = "star"
def descriptionOfBio = "a description"
def id = 0;

bio.firstImage = nameOf1stImage
bio.secondImage = nameOf2ndImage = nameInBio
bio.description = descriptionOfBio
bio.images = [nameOf1stImage,nameOf2ndImage]

id =

Biography bioFromDb = bio.get(id)
bioFromDb.firstImage == nameOf1stImage
bioFromDb.secondImage == nameOf2ndImage == nameInBio
bioFromDb.description == descriptionOfBio


I ran grails test-app, and grails created a biography document in test db, not spotlight db. Is there anything wrong with the way I configure environments setttings in DataSource.groovy ?

Thank you

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