We are using tcltest to do our unit testing but we are finding it difficult to reuse code within our test suite.
We have a test that is executed multiple times for different system configurations. I created a proc which contains this test and reuse it everywhere instead of duplicating the test's code many times throughout the suite.
For example:
proc test_config { config_name} {
test $test_name {} -constraints $config_name -body {
<test body>
} -returnCodes ok
The problem is that I sometimes want to only test certain configurations. I pass the configuration name as a parameter to the proc as shown above, but the -constraints {} part of the test does not look up the $config_name parameter as expected. The test is always skipped unless I hard code the configuration name, but using a proc is not possible and I would need to duplicate the code everywhere just to hardcode the constraint.
Is there a way to look if the constraint is enabled in the tcltest configuration?
Something like this:
proc test_config { config_name} {
testConstraint X [expr { ::tcltest::isConstraintActive $config_name } ]
test $test_name {} -constraints X -body {
<test body>
} -returnCodes ok
So, is there a function in tcltest doing something like ::tcltest::isConstraintActive $config_name?
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