vendredi 30 janvier 2015

JSP Folder Structure and General TDD





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(I can't post images yet, so my apologies)

I have an example of what my folder structure currently looks like. The util folder structure has the main and test files separated, where the test files are only unit tests. The web folder structure currently only has a main, but does not have a test.

I understand that through HTTPUnit, or other xUnit, there is a way to have a testing framework. From what I understand, isn't it still considered acceptance testing? If this is so, then couldn't I just use an acceptance test framework, such as robot framework, to accomplish the same goal?

Also, would you setup the folder structure in the web project similar to that of the utils project? Having a main for the main files and test for the test files. In some projects, I have seen acceptance tests kept in a folder higher up in the structure above the src folders. Does it really matter on this folder structure?

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