lundi 2 février 2015

AngularJS: $location path not defined: Unit Testing. Karma-Jasmine

I am having a great difficulty in finding out what is wrong with this code snippet. I have a login page, after sucessfull login it redirects me to the protected resource page. Everything is working fine. expect the UNIT TESTING part.

Here is myTest

ddescribe("Login Controller", function () {
var scope, controller, location, http, ControllerService, state;
beforeEach(inject(function ($httpBackend, $rootScope, $controller, $location) {
scope= $rootScope.$new();
http= $httpBackend;
location = $location
ControllerService= $controller;
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
location = $injector.get('$location');

iit("should do mock authentication", function () {
Newcontroller = ControllerService("simpleController", {
$location:location, $scope:scope,


And here is my login() function

var app = angular.module('myApp',['ui.bootstrap','ui.router','ngCookies', 'UserValidation','restangular']);

app.controller ('simpleController',function($scope ,$http, $location, tokenfactory,loginusercheck, usernamefactory,Restangular){

$scope.login = function(){
// some login function
//after post to login endpoint
//change the page state to something else

$location.path('list'); // where list is the url to protected page


Now when i run this using karma-jasmine test runner, I get error

typeError: undefined is not a function at $LocationProvider.$get

If I comment out the $location.path('list') and dont inject the $location in my test case = everything works fine. What am i doing wrong. I cant seem to inject $location. is there anyother wat to inject $location?

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