lundi 2 février 2015

Mock same method in a test using Moq with different linq expressions

I have a repository with this method

public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null, Func<IQueryable<TEntity>,
IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null, string includeProperties = "");

I have a method that is using it as such to get a user to work on

var user = this.applicationUserRepository.Get(x => x.EmailAddress == userName).FirstOrDefault();

It then calls the same method with a different expression further in the method as follows to check the user working on the first user

var changingUser = this.applicationUserRepository.Get(x => x.Id == changingUserId).FirstOrDefault();

I am trying to mock the repository with two setups to call it twice in the same test.

string emailAddress = "";
int changingUserId = 5;

var targetUsers = new List<ApplicationUser>
new ApplicationUser { Id = 1, Password = "Testing123", EmailAddress = emailAddress }

// Setup the user that will be modified to be found
var mockApplicationUserRepository = new Mock<IRepository<ApplicationUser>>();
.Setup(aur => aur.Get(x => x.EmailAddress == userName, null, string.Empty))

// Set up to query the changing user to not be found
.Setup(aur2 => aur2.Get(x => x.Id == changingUserId, null, string.Empty))
.Returns(new List<ApplicationUser>().AsEnumerable()); // Empty list

Even though the second call will never be hit, for this test, I want to learn how to set this up. When I run the test the first call

var user = this.applicationUserRepository.Get(x => x.EmailAddress == userName).FirstOrDefault();

I get null

If I change the mock to have It.IsAny>>() I get the expected user back.

I can not figure out how I will set the two calls up so it will know which expression to use. Any help will be appreciated.

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