lundi 23 février 2015

mockrunner jdbc - no columns/rows in result set

I try to set up a test with mockrunner for the first time. The connection is established, but I only get an empty result set.

The mocking code looks something like this; I get the data from a csv file.

StatementResultSetHandler statementHandler = getJDBCMockObjectFactory()
URL stmtObjectsUrl = this.getClass().getResource("stmtOb.csv");
FileResultSetFactory factory = new FileResultSetFactory(stmtObjectsUrl.getFile());
MockResultSet result = statementHandler.createResultSet(
"stmtObjects", factory);
statementHandler.prepareResultSet("SELECT.*", result);

The csv file looks like this:


As I have no idea where the problem is and the test is rather complex, I tried to reduce the test. I simply execute the method I want to test and then call getExecutedSQLStatements(), to see the statements I want to intercept with MockResultSet.prepareResultSet(). Even this does not work as expected. I only get an empty list, even though I am quite certain that the executed method did execute an SQL statement, as I print out the (empty) resultset inside the tested method after executing the query.

public class ExtractDataTest extends BasicJDBCTestCaseAdapter {
final String DBCONN_USER = "a";
final String DBCONN_PASSWORD = "b";
final String DBCONN_URL = "c";
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> environmentVars = new HashMap<String, String>();
environmentVars .put("DBCONN_USER", DBCONN_USER);
environmentVars.put("DBCONN_URL", DBCONN_URL);
* Recreate the values of the original environment variables inside the JVM.
* @throws Exception
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void test() throws Exception {
Constructor<ExtractPLSQL> c = ExtractPLSQL.class.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, String.class);
Path tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("extract_plsql_tmp");
ExtractPLSQL sut = c.newInstance(tmpDir.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "UTF-8");

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