dimanche 22 février 2015

Testing express route methods

I'm trying to check whether res.json() is being called in a express get method.

However in my get method it waits for a promise before executing res.json();

Here is the controller method:

function get(req, res, next) {

.then(success, error);

function success(result) {
res.json(result); // Method i want to test.

function error(error) {
// Handles it


function doImportantThings() {
var deferred = q.defer();

.then(success, error);

function success(results) {

function error() {

return deferred.promise;


beforeEach(function () {
var Service = require('../../../../app/services/service');
ServiceMock = sinon.mock(Service);
methodExpect = ServiceMock.expects('doImportantThings').returns(q.resolve("test"));
res.json = sinon.spy();

expressController = require('../../../../app/controllers/v1/controller');

afterEach(function() {

describe('get()', function () {

it('should call res.json() one time', function () {
expressController.get(req, res);
expect(res.json).to.have.been.calledOnce; // Fails

it('should call res.json() with object argument.', function () {
expressController.get(req, res)
expect(res.json).to.have.been.calledWith("test"); // Fails



Because i'm using promises the expect always returns false. I've tried to use mocha's done() callback with no success. I have also tried to put a callback as a controller parameter and call done from there or do the expect there but the test either times out or doesn't assert.

All the answers i have found talk about using supertest which would probably work but i want to be able to test this without making a http request to the resource to do it.

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