I am using Node.js for jasmine test so when i execute test using grunt test command i see an error in command line (Undefined is not an object "evaluating 'process.eKey[0]'"). eKey is mutiselect dropdown once user select the value we are passing id to backend so for test i am using correct id(2102) but its giving an error. Any idea what is happening wrong I am new to Angularjs help will be appreciated.
So far tried code....
describe('prcsFactory', function(){
'use strict';
var $httpBackend,Process;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_ , prcsFactory) {
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
Process = prcsFactory;
// make sure no expectations were missed in your tests.
afterEach(function() {
it('should be able to save process to the database',function(){
var prcsObj = {
LongName: "Process unit test 01",
StatementText: "Process statement test 01",
eKey: 2102,
eDescription: "Epcf selected key description test 01",
ControlFunction: "business segment test 01",
rhKey: 20001,
LocationKeyList: 67000,
EntityKeyList: 3358,
WorkerKey: -1069,
Owner: "xyz"
var promise = Process.saveProcess(prcsObj);
httpBackend = expectPOST('app/rest/save',prcsObj).respond(200,'success');
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