jeudi 27 août 2015

Mock web service created from retrofit RestAdapter

I am using Retrofit and injecting RestAdapter and WebService class/interface through Dagger2

In the tests, I am mocking my WebService class with MockWebService implements WebService and I am getting this exception from Retrofit

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only interface endpoint definitions are supported.
        at retrofit.Utils.validateServiceClass(
        at retrofit.RestAdapter.create(

Here is the interface class for WebService

public interface WebService {

void loginByEmail (@Field("emailaddress") String email,
                   @Field("password") String password,
                   @Field("checksum") String checksum,
                   Callback<ServiceModel<User>> callback);

And, here is my MockWebService class

public class MockWebService200 implements WebService {
    public void loginByEmail (@Field("emailaddress") String email,
                          @Field("password") String password,
                          @Field("checksum") String checksum,
                          Callback<ServiceModel<User>> callback) {
    ServiceModel<User> userModel = getServiceModel( getUser() );
    callback.success( userModel, null );

    @Override public <T> ServiceModel<T> getServiceModel (T model) {
        // Skipped

    @Override public User getUser () {
    // Skipped

getUser() and getServiceModel() are skipped here.


1- How to fix this?

2- Is my approach correct to mock web services through polymorphism and what alternatives I can use here?

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