samedi 29 août 2015

Unit testing for IBAction connection with good form

I've created a successful unit test that checks for an IBAction in Swift. However, the form isn't great:

func testAddButtonIBActionShouldExist() {
    let actions=viewController.addButton.actionsForTarget(viewController, forControlEvent: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
    XCTAssertNotNil(actions, "Add button should have conections")

    if actions != nil{
        let actionsAsNSArray:NSArray=actions! as NSArray
        XCTAssertTrue(actionsAsNSArray.containsObject("addNumbers:"), "Add button not connected to correct IBAction")

It separates the test for nil and the containsObject into two separate parts, and also includes an if… both of which I believe are bad unit testing form. Is there a way to somehow combine these in Swift 1.2 (or Swift 2)? Thanks for reading.

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