I am just starting out with QT and would like to have unit tests. I found a blueprint for a project structure that supports having tests outside my application.
For my first test I wanted to have a click on the "Quit" menu point, checking that the close action of QMainWindow is really called.
Coming from Java with all its mocking frameworks, here is what I would like to do:
- Simulate Click on Menu (or key press)
- Click on Quit Action (or key press)
- Verify that signal "triggered()" of QAction was emitted
- Verify that slot "close" of QMainWindow was called
I read the qtest tutorial, KDE documentation and other stuff on the net but I am not able to express that using qtest (yet).
I found Qt UI testing: How to simulate a click on a QMenuBar item using QTest? which describes a similar thing, but even there only 1, 2, 3 are covered (And I was not even able to get them to work).
So how can I write such a test case? Is that even possible?
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