vendredi 27 novembre 2015

MATLAB CodeCoveragePlugin not accepting subfolder argument

many thanks for taking a look.

Currently I have the following script to run my unit tests in matlab:

import matlab.unittest.TestSuite
import matlab.unittest.TestRunner
import matlab.unittest.plugins.CodeCoveragePlugin

suite = TestSuite.fromFolder('U:\MATLAB\myFolder\Tests', 'IncludingSubfolders', true);
runner = TestRunner.withTextOutput;
runner.addPlugin(CodeCoveragePlugin.forFolder('U:\MATLAB\myFolder', 'IncludingSubfolders', true));
result =;

The error is currently at the line:

runner.addPlugin(CodeCoveragePlugin.forFolder('U:\MATLAB\myFolder', 'IncludingSubfolders', true));

Which claims there are too many input arguments. However, the documentation clearly states the function can accept three inputs.

Has anyone had experience using this tool and any advice on how to proceed.

Many thanks for your time and help.

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