After reading the angular ngViewSpec.js file, I've finally figured how to test my controller with routes, controllerAs and forms. Here is my unit test:
describe("mainControllerSpec", function() {
var element;
it("clickSearch should change location with limitResults true", function () {
var path, search;
var ctrl;
module(function () {
return function ($rootScope, $compile) {
element = $compile("<div ng-view></div>")($rootScope);
module(function ($compileProvider, $routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when("/", {
title: "Home",
controller: getController,
controllerAs: "vm",
templateUrl: "templates/mainView.html"
inject(function ($location, $controller, $rootScope, $route, $templateCache) {
ctrl = $controller("mainController", { $location: $location });
ctrl.queryString = "AS65402";
path = $location.path();
search = $;
expect(search).toEqual({ q: "AS65402", limitResults: "true" });
function getController() {
return ctrl;
If I understand correctly what's going on here: I create an element with my ng-view directive, compile it, bind it to the rootscope. I then create the route and controller. Finally I set the $location and do the main part of my unit test.
This is working fine and my test is passing. What's puzzling me is that I can't see the contents of element. I would have expected them to be the contents of templates/mainView.html after the router change and $digest(). But I get nothing. I injected $route to check $route.current.templateHtml and I injected $templateCache to check that. Both correct.
Should I not expect to find the contents using element.html()? Or have I completely misunderstood what's going on here? Thanks for any help or insight, Marcus
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