dimanche 28 février 2016

Running Unit Test on ASP.Net MVC5 with DbContext

I currently using Unit Testing on my projects but it seems I have trouble on getting the data on my site DBContext, I assume that I need to run the web project then run the test but I dont think Visual Studio permits that.

So I tried opening 2 instances of Visual Studio but it still did not work.

This is my code:

    private ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();
    public void IsDbNull()
        var dblist = db.StudentInformation.ToList(); 

A simple assert to check if the project can read my database, I tried debuging and dblist doesn't have any items on it.

I saw some codes that uses fake database by putting it as CSV but as much I dont want to go that method since I want to test the real data itself.

I also saw "Run Tests" on GitHub but it only supports VS 2012

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