dimanche 28 février 2016

Why is element scope null in directive unit test?

I have created a custom directive that has a watch for a couple of isolated scope properties, here is the relevant code:

 scope.$watchGroup(['repairer', 'initial'], function () {

           scope.Repairer = null;

           scriptingService.getScript(request).then(function (scripts) {
                            scope.scripts = scripts;

I wrote a couple of test but none of them work,this is one of them:

it('should  Repairer be 2', function() {

    scope.$apply(function() {
      scope.initial = 2;



But I am getting an error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'Repairer' of undefined

How can I make the tests work? Looks like the directive is somehow not running in the test.

Here is a plunkerref:http://ift.tt/21sciDv

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