samedi 31 janvier 2015

How to use Redis in unit testing?

Suppose I have a method in my controller class that updates the score of a key,value pair in a Redis database. I want to write a unit test to check if the score is not null and is incremented by 1. I just want to see how unit testing works with Redis and how you extract the score from a particular key, value pair and check its validity.

Controller Class //When user refreshes api/do/v1/togglelike/{id}", the score is updated in redis for that user and is incremented by 1;

public IHttpActionResult ToggleLike(String id)
var currentUser = "mike";

var likeSet = redis1.SortedSetRangeByScore("likes:" + id);
var likeStatus = redis1.SortedSetScore("likes:" + id, currentUser);

//Current user has not yet liked the profile
if (likeStatus == null)
redis1.SortedSetAdd("likes:" + id, currentUser, 1);
return Ok("Like Added");

/*redis1.SortedSetAdd("likes:" + id, currentUser, 1);
return Ok("Like Added");*/
double counter = redis1.SortedSetIncrement("likes:" + id, currentUser, 1);
redis1.SortedSetAdd("likes:" + id, currentUser, counter);
return Ok("Like Added");
/*redis1.SortedSetRemove("likes:" + id, currentUser);
return Ok("Like Removed");*/

Test Class: I want to get the score from the key,value pair and check that it is equal to a valid number;

namespace VideoControllerTest
public class VideoControllerTest
IDatabase redis1;

public VideoControllerTest()
redis1 = RedisFactory.Connection.GetDatabase();

public void VideoController_Adview()
VideoController controller = new VideoController();
IHttpActionResult actionResult = controller.ToggleLike("video123");

//Assert; Check to see the counter is incremented by 1 and is not null;


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