jeudi 29 janvier 2015

mocking an Eloquent collection

I would like, for crazy no point in explaining reasons, to create a mock Eloquent Collection

I have tried this:

$collection = new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection(
new User( array( "id" => 1 ) ),
new User( array( "id" => 2 ) ),
new User( array( "id" => 3 ) ),
new User( array( "id" => 4 ) ),
new User( array( "id" => 5 ) )

$collection->get(); // Fails

but it turns out that this collection does not have a ->get() method like it normally does when you'd do, something like:

User::take( 2 )->get();

this ends up being because the \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection is just a namespaced and used \Illuminate\Database\Collection

any ideas how to mock an Eloquent Collection that actually works properly?

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