jeudi 26 février 2015

How to inject $state correctly for angular ui router unit tests?

I am trying to write Unit-Tests for the following use case:

A http-request responds with an unathorized http-status(401) -> change state to login

The Problem is, that I dont even get the correct $state parameter injected into my test.

describe('Login: ', function() {

function mockTemplate(templateRoute, tmpl) {
$templateCache.put(templateRoute, tmpl || templateRoute);

describe('On HTTP 401', function(){
var state;

mockTemplate.bind('components/splitapp/splitappView.html', '')
mockTemplate.bind('components/splitappMaster/splitappMasterView.html', '')
mockTemplate.bind('components/splitappDetail/splitappDetailView.html', '')
mockTemplate.bind('components/splitapp/offcanvasMenu.html', '')

it('Should go to login-state', inject(function($state, $location){

After $state.go the state should be splitapp, which is defined correctly in the router config. Heres my testrunner output

LOG: ''
LOG: Object{name: '', url: '^', views: null, abstract: true}
Chrome 40.0.2214 (Mac OS X 10.10.2) Login: On HTTP 401 Should go to login-
state FAILED
Expected false to equal true.
Error: Expected false to equal true.

Thanks for your help.

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