samedi 28 février 2015

Test a Django site displays the correct graph - image similarity?

I'm making a simple Django site that graphs a specified data set with matplotlib and displays the resulting graph. I've saved a static copy of the correct graph, and I want to compare this against the image displayed on the page.

screen capture of the site


<img id="id_graph_image" src="/graphs/selected_graph.png">


urlpatterns = patterns('',
# other patterns...
url(r'^graphs/selected_graph.png$', 'graphs.views.show_selected_graph'),


def show_selected_graph(request):
# matplotlib code...
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(figure)
response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')
return response


def test_selected_graph_shows_the_right_graphs(self):
# request and response...
graph_on_page =
expected_graph ='file://../graphs/static/scenario_1_statistic_1.png')
# TODO: compare graphs

I'd like to add a Selenium test or a unit test to confirm that the graph view returns the correct image for a given data set. I've tried comparing the two images with PIL and the RMS Difference of the histograms, but any two matplotlib graph images have similar histograms.

Is a "percentage difference" simple? Should I test this in a very different way?

I appreciate any and all help, thanks!

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