mardi 31 mars 2015

TestNG not waiting till my Spring session initialised

I have some sort of following code and if I run it with single test tag xml it works fine. But, when I have multiple tests suites it's simply skips all tests and run last one.

I know that to init Spring takes much time , but how could I wait till my session get init in @BeforeSuite(alwaysRun=true) ?

Note :- Thread.sleep(); also not my solution :(

public void contextSetup() throws Exception {
start = new Date();
spContext = createContext();

public void testContextSetUp(String fileName) throws Exception{
_skippedTests = new ArrayList<String>();

public void releaseContext() throws GeneralException{
testContext = null;

public void releaseSpContext() throws GeneralException{
throw new GeneralException("Encountered leaked Context");

public void testConnectorImplementation(Map parameter) throws Exception { }

And my TestNG file look like this

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="My Tests Suite" verbose="0">

<test name="First Test">
<parameter name="testConfigFile"
value="config/MyFirstTestConfig.xml" />
<class name="com.testframework.ConnectorTests">

<test name="Second Test">
<parameter name="testConfigFile"
value="config/MySecondTestConfig.xml" />
<class name="com.testframework.ConnectorTests">

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