lundi 30 mars 2015

why is @Parameterized.Parameters called twice?

I have this code:

public class RoutingResponseShortRegressionOneByOne {


public static void oneTimeSetUp() {
routingUrlHttpClientWithReRun = injector.getInstance(IRoutingUrlHttpClientWithReRun.class);
System.out.println("in RoutingResponseRegressionOneByOne:: oneTimeSetUp");

public static void oneTearDown() {
// if (globalSettings.isSaveNewResponses) {

//takes the next matrix row from OrganizeTestParameterizedInput()
public RoutingResponseShortRegressionOneByOne(String routingRequest, CompleteRoutingResponseShort
routingResponse) {
this.routingRequest = routingRequest;
this.routingResponse = routingResponse;

//This is called before @BeforeClass !
public static Collection getRequests() throws IOException {
injector = Guice.createInjector(new MainModule());
e2EResultShort = new E2EResultShort();
return OrganizeTestParameterizedInput();

And it runs like this:




public RoutingResponseShortRegressionOneByOne --> ctor


why is @Parameterized.Parameters called twice in a row?

In addition, how can I know @RunWith(ParallelParameterized.class) really works? meaning how can I check if the run is in parallel?

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