jeudi 30 avril 2015

Android Unit Test with Retrofit and Mockito

I separated retrofit api calls methods from the activity code and I want to do a unit test on these methods, one example: The interface:

public interface LoginService {
    public void basicLogin(Callback<AuthObject> response);

and this is the method that do the call, in the main activity I get the object by the event bus.

public class AuthAPI {
    private Bus bus;
    LoginService loginService;

    public AuthAPI(String username, String password) {
        this.bus = BusProvider.getInstance().getBus();
        loginService = ServiceGenerator.createService(LoginService.class,

    public void Login() {

        loginService.basicLogin(new Callback<AuthObject>() {
            public void success(AuthObject authObject, Response response) {

            public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
                AuthObject authObject = new AuthObject();


And here the test

public class AuthCallTest extends TestCase {

    AuthAPI authAPI;

    private LoginService mockApi;

    private ArgumentCaptor<Callback<AuthObject>> cb;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        authAPI = new AuthAPI("username", "password");

    public void testLogin() throws Exception {


        AuthObject authObject = new AuthObject();
        cb.getValue().success(authObject, null);

        assertEquals(authObject.isError(), false);

when I launch the test I have this error

Wanted but not invoked:
mockApi.basicLogin(<Capturing argument>);
-> at AuthCallTest.testLogin(
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.

What I did wrong, this is driving me crazy I tried to follow this guide without success:

someone help me :(

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