mercredi 29 avril 2015

Unit testing a Django BoundField

I have a form that a user submits that has a lot of processing on the back end. In that processing, I create a dictionary:

def function_that_returns_form_data(form, ...):
    form_data = {'account' : form['account'], ...}
    return form_data

My unit test testing the function which returns the dictionary looks something like:

self.form = PaymentForm(data=...)
returned_dict = function_that_returns_form_data(self.form, ...)
expected_dict = {'account' : self.form['account'], ...}

self.assertEqual(expected_dict, function_returning_form_data)

All the items in returned_dict and expected_dict match except for 'account', which causes an error:

AssertionError: Lists differ: ... First differing element 0: {'account': <django.forms.forms.BoundField object at 0x043E6F50>, ... {'account': <django.forms.forms.BoundField object at 0x043E64B0>, ...

I'm POSITIVE that these objects are the same, and I want to pass along the object instead of pulling out all of its fields individually. How can I get Django to test a bound field with a normal comparison (of the field's value) instead of comparing the location of the object in memory?

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