vendredi 29 mai 2015

How to get Moq to verify method that has an out parameter

I have an interface definition where the method has an out parameter defined

public interface IRestCommunicationService
    TResult PerformPost<TResult, TData>(string url, TData dataToSend, out StandardErrorResult errors);

I have the following class that is using the above interface

    public TripCreateDispatchService(IRestCommunicationAuthService restCommunicationService, ISettings settings)
        _restCommunicationService = restCommunicationService;
        _settings = settings;

    public FlightAlert CreateTrip(string consumerNumber, PostAlertModel tripModel, out StandardErrorResult apiErrors)
        url = .. code ommited
        var result = _restCommunicationService.PerformPost<FlightAlert, PostAlertModel>(url), tripModel, out apiErrors);
        return result;

In my unit tests I am trying to verify that the PerformPost Method of the RestCommunication object is called.

But no matter what I do, I cannot get Moq to verify that the method was called

    public void DispatchService_PerformPost()
        var consumerNumber = ...
        var trip = ...
        var result = ...
        var apiErrors = new StandardErrorResult();
        ... code to setup mock data
        _mockRestCommunicationService = new  Mock<IRestCommunicationAuthService>();
        _mockEestCommunicationService.Setup(x => x.PerformPost<string, PostAlertModel>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors)).Verifiable();

        _systemUnderTest.CreateTrip(consumerNumber, trip, out apiErrors);

        _mockRestCommunicationService.Verify(m => 
            m.PerformPost<StandardErrorResult, PostAlertModel>(
            It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors
            ), Times.Once);

But I am receiving the following error

Moq.MockException : 

Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: 
m => m.PerformPost<StandardErrorResult,PostAlertModel>(It.IsAny<String>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), .apiErrors)

No setups configured.

How do I go about verifying that the method was called.

I am using Moq and NUnit

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