vendredi 29 mai 2015

Testing Void methods using shims and stubs in VS 2013 c# Code

I have the below code which I am unit testing.

    public static void Log(string appName, string message)
        Log(appName, message, string.Empty);
    public static void Log(string Name, string Message, string Source)
        if (!baselogger.Initialize) return;
        foreach (ILogging logger in loggers)
            logger.WriteError(Name, Message, Source);
        string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}: {1}: {2}", Name, Message, Source);

And I wrote below test methods to test it.

   public void LogWith2Params()
        Logging.Log("Host","Control not found.");

   public void LogWith3Params()
        Logging.Log("Host","Control not found.","ManageAccounts");

Are the above two tests enough or do I need to write new test cases ? Or should I write another testmethod by passing 3 parameters and do the shim for logger.initialize property,TryInitialize method call, logWrite method call,logger.WriteError method call and Trace.Writeline method call ?

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