mardi 14 juillet 2015

OSX application testing with OCMock

I am getting started with OSX TDD and OCMock, following

Right now, I'm at the phase where my application displays a login upon startup and wish to test that a user with invalid/no credentials cannot login.

In detail, the AppDelegate will set itself as the login view controller's delegate, attempt to login (without setting credentials), then the delegate method didNotAuthorizeUser is called. However I'm getting an error in the test. Further details below.

Object setup

  • AppDelegate - real object, instantiates the login vc and conforms to its protocol (SomeDelegateProtocol)
  • LoginVC - mocked
  • Application - mocked


id mocklvc = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[LoginViewController class]];

[appDelegate setLoginViewController:mocklvc];

id qtApp = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[NSApplication class]];

id loginDelegate = [OCMockObject mockForProtocol:@protocol(SomeDelegate)];

[[mocklvc expect] setLoginDelegate:loginDelegate]; 
[[mocklvc expect] authenticateWithService];
[[loginDelegate expect] didNotAuthorizeUser];

//This row returns NSInternalConsistencyException
//unexpected method invoked setLoginDelegate:<AppDelegate>
[appDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:qtApp]; 

[mocklvc verify];


- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    [self.loginViewController setLoginDelegate:self];


@property (weak) id < SomeDelegate > loginDelegate;

Error message

When calling the application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: I get the following error in the test,

NSInternalConsistencyException OCMockObject[LoginViewController] unexpected method invoked setLoginDelegate:<AppDelegate>

Do you think this is a good setup in the first place? Any ideas on how to rewrite the test or actually get around the error?

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