jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Robot Framework Test Case Generation from Within a Test Case?

I am using Robot Framework to automate onboard unit testing of a Linux based device.

The device has a directory /data/tests that contains a series of subdirectories, each subdirectory is a test module with '' to be executed to run the unit test. For example :



I wrote a function that collects the subdirectory names in an array, and this is the list of test modules to be executed. The number of modules can vary daily.

@{modules}=     SSHLibrary.List Directories in Directory       /data/tests

Then another function (Module Test) that basically runs a FOR loop on the element list and executes the in each subdirectory, collects log data, and logs it to the log.html file.

The issue I am experiencing is that when the log.html file is created, there is one test case titled Module Test, and under the FOR loop, a 'var' entry for each element (test module). Under each 'var' entry are the results of the module execution.

Is it possible from within the FOR loop, to create a test case for each element and log results against it? Right now, if one of the modules / elements fails, I do not get accurate results, I still get a pass for the Module Test test case. I would like to log test cases Module 1, Module 2, ... , Module N, with logs and pass fail for each one. Given that the number of modules can vary from execution to execution, I cannot create static test cases, I need to be able to dynamically create the test cases once the number of modules has been determined for the test run.

Any input is greatly appreciated.



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