jeudi 28 avril 2016

Mocking constructor dependencies using AutoMoq attribute

I'm wondering if there is a way of setting up a mock for a dependency before the constructor of the sut is called when using a test case that sets up AutoData.

My sut looks like:

class Sut
    private readonly IFoo foo;
    public Sut(IFooFactory factory)
    { = factory.Build(1, 2);

    public IFoo Foo

So the test that I'm writing looks like:

internal void Foo_IsCorrectlySet_Test(
    [Frozen] Mock<IFooFactory> fooFactory,
    IFoo foo,
    Sut sut)
    fooFactory.Setup(mock => mock.Build(1, 2))

    var actual = sut.Foo;

    Assert.Equal(foo, sut);

Obviously this test fails as the constructor to the Sut runs before I am able to setup the IFooFactory. So I thought that I may have been able to change the declaration of the Sut to Lazy<Sut> in the test. But again the constructor is still run before the actual test code is run meaning that my test is going to fail.

Now I know that I could easily setup this test with an actual Fixture object and create all of my objects manually and setting them up before I call to create the Sut which is fine but I'm wanting to keep my tests all roughly the same therefore I'm wondering if there is a way that I could still setup my test with the AutoData attribute but not run the constructor until after everything is setup?

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