mercredi 27 avril 2016

VS2013 Unit testing c++ dll with CppUnitTestFramework crashes

I have some Unit tests on a C++ dll written using Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework. When I run the test It crashes and on the Test Explorer I see the following info

Result Message: Exception Code: C00000FD
Result StackTrace:  
at _chkstk() in f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\i386\chkstk.asm:line 99
at SSFFCAddInMultipleAuth::SSFMultipleAuthLimitManagerTests::TestCantApplyLimitToInactiveAccount() in ....cpp:line 88

The code works fine when I run and use the tested code in debug or release.

According to this link it could be the stack space beeing different when I run the code using the Test Explorer

One possible solution mentioned there is to change an Registry key to increase the stack space but I can't find it on Win10/VS2013

Any ideas?

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