The code I am trying to test is:
exports.hasTokenOrApi = (req, res, next) ->
if not req.headers?.authorization
return res.status(403).end()
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
if req.headers.authorization.length is 32
# We are using an API key
api_key: req.headers.authorization
.then (dbUser) ->
resolve dbUser.apiDisplay()
# We are using a redis session
app: 'sessions'
token: req.headers.authorization
.then (response) ->
resolve response.d
.then (user) ->
if not
return res.status(403).end()
req.user = user
.catch (err) ->
next err
This is a middleware (I'm using Express) to catch tokens or API keys for various API endpoints.
So far the tests I have are:
describe 'Authentication Middleware', ->
mock_res = {}
before (done) ->
mock_res =
status: ->
end: ->
global.db =
find: ->
then: ->
id: 1
it 'should return a 403 is no authorization is set in the header', ->
mock_req = {}
mock_next = null
status_spy = sinon.spy mock_res, 'status'
end_spy = sinon.spy mock_res, 'end'
authentication.hasTokenOrApi mock_req, mock_res, mock_next
status_spy.calledWith(403).should.equal true
end_spy.called.should.equal true
it.only 'should detect a valid API key', ->
mock_req =
authorization: 'e16b2ab8d12314bf4efbd6203906ea6c'
mock_next = sinon.spy()
authentication.hasTokenOrApi mock_req, mock_res, mock_next
mock_next.called.should.equal true
The first test is fine, works great, solves all of my problems. The second one isn't working properly. I assume it has something to do with the Promises? My test us returning false
, when what I'm trying to do is true
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
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