mardi 31 mars 2015

Purposefully failing a JUnit test upon method completion


I am working with a Selenium/Junit test environment and I want to implement a class to perform "soft asserts": meaning that I want it to record whether or not the assert passed, but not actually fail the test case until I explicitly tell it to validate the Asserts. This way I can check multiple fields on a page an record all of the ones which do not match.

Current Code

My "verify" methods appear as such (similar ones exist for assertTrue/assertFalse):

public static void verifyEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
try {
assertEquals(expected, actual);
} catch (Throwable e) {

Once all the fields have been verified, I call the following method:

public static void checkAllPassed() {
if (!verificationFailuresList.isEmpty()) {
for (Throwable failureThrowable : verificationFailuresList) {
log.error("Verification failure:" + failureThrowable.getMessage(), failureThrowable);
// assertTrue(false);


At the moment, I am currently just using assertTrue(false) as a way to quickly fail the test case; however, this clutters the log with a nonsense failure and pushes the real problem further up. Is there a cleaner way to purposefully fail a JUnit testcase? If not, is there a better solution to implement soft asserts? I know of an article which has a very well done implementation, but to my knowledge JUnit has no equivalent to the IInvokedMethodListener class

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