mardi 31 mars 2015

I need a sample of using MbUnit.Framework.TestCase

How can I use the MbUnit.Framework.TestCase in the MbUnit framework? When I can to use NUnit, then I write such code:

using Fw = NUnit.Framework;
[Fw.TestFixture, Fw.Apartment(ApartmentState.STA)]
public class Tests {
[Fw.Category("Some category name")]
public void MyTestCases(String dwgFileName) {
// Here is code of my test

But sometimes I can't use NUnit (unfortunately) and MbUnit framework only is possible (for AutoCAD older than AutoCAD 2011). I need use MbUnit.Framework.TestCase in MbUnit, but I don't understand how to do it right. I can't find any samples of its using. Also, MbUnit.Framework.TestCase is not attribute.

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