I'm quite confused about unit testing an Express REST API using mongoose. I've heard about supertest, sinon, chai and mocha.
I want to write tests to :
1) Test the API interface :
Create a supertest server and make requests on it (GET /users, POST /users for example) and check that it calls the right routes.
2) Test the mongoose queries :
When a route is called, I want to check that the right mongoose function is called (find, findById) and that it returns the right data (fake data), something like :
when User.findId is called, return fake user (data defined in beforeEach). Is it what sinon stubs are for ?
3) Integration tests : Create a test database (created on test run), fill it and clean it when tests are finished. Make API calls (GET users, PUT users/1202082, DELETE users/1202082...) on a supertest server and check that the right data is read, created, updated, deleted...
Is it the way to go ? Simple examples for each case would be quite nice !
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