lundi 30 mars 2015

ParallelParameterized - how to save test results in parallel for each input in same order as input?

public class RoutingResponseShortRegressionOneByOne {

private int numberOfProcessedRequests;
private Object currentRequestIndexLock = new Object();

public void compareNewResponseToBaselineReturnsNoLargeDifferences() throws IOException {

int currentRequestIndex;
synchronized (currentRequestIndexLock) {
//currentRequestIndex = e2EResultShort.completeRoutingResponses.size();
currentRequestIndex = numberOfProcessedRequests;

I try to run this code

and I see numberOfProcessedRequests == 0 in every run, and doesn't increment as I would expect from class member.

It's a ParallelParameterized Test.

Why does it create a new Test Class instance for every input?

I see the ctor is called only once.

Should there be a different way to run the test in parallel for each input and still maintain the order of the results as the order of the input?

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