Trying to unit-test the invokement on ngModelCtrl.$render. Now by $setViewValue but actually I want to set a value on ng-model on the directive and test if $render is invoked.
The Directive:
angular.module('inputValidationBelow', []).directive('inputValidationBelow', function ($compile) {
return {
scope: {
dataModel: '=ngModel',
placeHolder: '@',
identifier: '@',
feedbackMessage: '@',
type: '@'
templateUrl: 'scripts/directives/inputValidationBelow/inputValidationBelow.html',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
replace: false,
require: ['ngModel', '^form'],
link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
scope.type = attrs.type;
var ngModelController = controllers[0];
ngModelController.$render = function () {
if (typeof ngModelController.$viewValue !== 'undefined') {
scope.dataModel = ngModelController.$viewValue;
The unit test
it('should invoke ngModelCtrl.$render after changing value on ngModel from the outside (the view)', function () {
var scope,
scope = $rootScope.$new();
element = angular.element('<form name="loginForm"><input-validation-below place-holder="foo" feedback-message="bar" identifier="username" ng-model="login"></input-validation-below></form>');
element = $compile(element)(scope);
var ngModelCtrl = element.find('input-validation-below').controller('ngModel');
modelValue = {username: 'SJV'};
Test fails: Expected undefined to equal { username : 'SJV' }
I read this in the Angular docs:
Since ng-model does not do a deep watch, $render() is only invoked if the values of $modelValue and $viewValue are actually different from their previous value. If $modelValue or $viewValue are objects (rather than a string or number) then $render() will not be invoked if you only change a property on the objects.
But this confuses me a bit.
However, I need $render to be invoked ng-model being changed from the outside to make it as real life as possible AND for the code coverage its code-covered.
Question: could use some pointers on this.
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