jeudi 29 octobre 2015

How to deal with Setter/Getter-Methods from Mocks?

So I am still having trouble with the usage of Mockito. So let's assume I have following class (Please ignore the logic, or structure of it, it's just a short example I created from another class, with different names and so on.) :

public class Restaurant(
    private CustomerService customerService;

    private CustomerInputData updateCustomer(CustomerInputData inputData){
        final String customerId = inputData.getID();
        final Customer customer = customerService.getCustomerById(customerID);
        if(customer.getAddress() != null){

        return inputData

So my understanding of Unit-Tests is, to isolate all dependencies. Here I would have the Customer-class and the Customer-Service.

So to write a test-class, I would currently do following:

public class RestaurantTest()

    private CustomerService customerService;

    private Restaurant classUnderTest;

    public void setUp(){

    public void updateCustomer_WithValidInput_ShouldReturnUpdatedInput(){
        //Some Mocking first
        final String customerId = "customerId";
        final Customer customer = mock(Customer.class);
        final final CustomerInputData = mock(CustomerInputData.class);




        verify(customer.getAddress(), atLeastOnce());
        verify(customer.getName(), atLeastOnce());
        //and so on...

        verify(inputData, atLeastOnce()).setCustomerName(eq("Name"));
        verify(inputData, atLeastOnce()).setCustomerCity(eq("City"));
        verify(inputData, atLeastOnce()).setCustomerLanguage(eq("Language");


So currently I have no Assert, I only check if the right methods get called. The reason, why I try to do this like this, and not let the Test-class call the setter/getter is because of isolation. Let's assume inputData.setCustomerCity is broken, my test would fail. So it is depending on the CustomerInputData-Class.

Now how do I approach these getter and setters, what is the best practice?

Do I have not understood Mockito good enough? When I use mock(), can I then just use the setter-methods and gethods, and don't need to worry about using doReturns and so on?

I know it is a whitebox-test, I know the methods and what's going on.

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