samedi 31 octobre 2015

Unit Testing ICommand Windows Phone 8.1

I have a question about unit testing using MvvmLight in Windows Phone 8.1.

I have the following ViewModel class:

 public class TestViewModel:MainViewModel

    public TestViewModel(Test.Services.INavigationService navigationService,IDialogService dialogService)
        : base(navigationService,dialogService)
        this.TestCommand = new RelayCommand(NavigateToPage);

    public ICommand TestCommand{get; private set;}

    private void NavigateToPage()

This code works fine. But how can I test the ICommand "TestCommand" ?

I tried to solve this problem this way in my UnitTestApp:

    public static void Initialize(TestContext testContext)

       testViewModel = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<TestViewModel>();

    public void TestCommand_Test()
        ICommand testCommand = testViewModel.TestCommand;

        bool canExecute = testCommand.CanExecute(null);


But went out to the following failure : "UnitTestApp.TestViewModel.Initialize has wrong signature. The method must be non static, public, does not return a value and should not take any parameter.... "

Perhaps the failure is not the method "TestCommand_Test" but the "Initialize" method. Can you help me, solving this problem ?

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