mercredi 28 octobre 2015

ngAnimate 1.4.7 unit test not calling animation functions

I've been working from this tutorial and have Googled ad nauseum, but I can't seem to get what appears to be a trivial ngAnimate unit test running.

I have ngAnimate working well in the app. All Angular core libraries are version 1.4.7.


angular.module 'MyAnimation', [ 'ngAnimate' ]
  .animation '.added-class', ->
    addClass: (element, className, done) ->
      console.log 'add class triggered'
      element.css 'opacity', '0.5'


describe 'MyAnimation', ->
  beforeEach -> module 'ngAnimate'
  beforeEach -> module 'ngAnimateMock'
  beforeEach -> module 'MyAnimation'

  it 'animates', -> inject ($animate, $rootScope, $rootElement) ->
    divElement = angular.element '<div>my div</div>'

    # Kick off initial digest loop in which no animations are run.

    # Trigger animation.
    $animate.addClass divElement, 'added-class'

    # Tried this, doesn't seem to do anything.
    # $animate.flush()

    # Results in AssertionError: expected '' to equal '0.5'
    expect(divElement.css('opacity')).to.eq '0.5'

I'm sure that the module is being included in the test, but triggering $animate.enter doesn't even get me my log output.

I've tried this with other $animate functions as well and am getting nowhere. Help?

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