mercredi 28 octobre 2015

MRUnit - Test success depends of output order

I have created a small example to figure out how to use MRUnit for testing MapReduce code. The example that I am trying to run is wordcount, so I won't paste the code here since it's familiar to all.

I have written tests using JUnit. What confuses me is that the success of the test depends of the order in which output values are listed.

For example, this test passes:

mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(), new Text("Hadoop is cool"))
            .withOutput(new Text("Hadoop"), new IntWritable(1))
            .withOutput(new Text("is"), new IntWritable(1))
            .withOutput(new Text("cool"), new IntWritable(1))

But this one does not

mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(), new Text("Hadoop is cool"))
            .withOutput(new Text("Hadoop"), new IntWritable(1))
            .withOutput(new Text("cool"), new IntWritable(1))
            .withOutput(new Text("is"), new IntWritable(1))

This is not the behavior that I would expect.

Is this a bug in MRUnit, or is there a reason for such a behavior?

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