mardi 29 mars 2016

How can I load a json file from an android unit test that is run with PowerMockRunner?

I am using PowerMockRunner to run my unit tests. I want to load some canned network response json files from my assets folder.


I am using this method to try to get the file.

private static File getFileFromPath(Object obj, String fileName) {
        ClassLoader classLoader = obj.getClass().getClassLoader();
        URL resource = classLoader.getResource(fileName);
        return new File(resource.getPath());

However, when I evaluate this expression.


It shows that I am currently in this the directory below while running this test.


Seeing as I'm in the platforms resource directory, there is no hope of me successfully loading my resources from my project's resource directory. What do I need to do to access my resource directory of my project?

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