mardi 29 mars 2016

Ruby minitest and exit status

Working on a ruby minitest script on linux, every time it found any "failure" or "error" (in the test, not the running script) the ruby script itself returns 1 as exit status in bash

output follows:

$ ruby test.rb; echo $?

Run options: --seed 30930

Running: ...


Finished in... 8 runs, 9 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

generating ci files


The problem is, as I'm triggering the tests from Fabric, it may exit every time each test find an error or failure. Is it an expected behaviour I should expect for the test? or is something wrong there with the exit status? (if the script ends with no error, nor failures, it exits 0)

I would like to run fabric without env.warn_only = True to mark tests as failed if the test script may be broken.

Is there a way to the test to not change the exit status when failed (but succeed in running)? Is that an expected test way and I have to adjust my fabric script?


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