mardi 29 mars 2016

Why the Visual Studio 2015 C++ Unit Test Framework does not work with vs2010 compiler?

I have a problem related with Visual Studio 2015 C++ Unit Test Framework, bassically when I use the vs2010 compiler and I include the C++ Unit Test Library to my test project, it throws a linker exception.

Linker Exception:

LNK1104 cannot open file "amd64\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.CppUnitTestFramework.lib"

I know that this problem is related with the automatically lib include for the CppUnitTestCommon.h file of the Microsoft Framework, because it uses the pragma command to include the library (please see the attached picture at the end in the lines 63-71).

Somo extra information: - I am using Visual Studio 2015 Professional - When I use the vs2015 compiler this error does not happen. - The test project is for unmanaged code.

If you have any comment or suggestion about how to fix this error please let me know, thanks.

Picture of the pragma include in the CppUnitTestCommon.h

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