mercredi 30 mars 2016

Unit testing: what to do if the method/function to test doesn't exist

In test driven development you write your tests first and then implement what has to be tested. I have automated my tests by reading from a database the name of the methods to be called, the input data to those methods and their expected result. For each row a test method is created using reflection.

Up to now, before creating the test method I check if the method to be tested exists. If it doesn't, the test method isn't created.

But I'd like to give the information of the methods that still have to be tested. From some point of view it's a method that doesn't pass the test. So, what type of error/warning should be prompted/asserted in that test?

P.S: I'm currently using PyUnit which is very similar to JUnit, but my question is not specific to any framework.

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