jeudi 31 mars 2016

Managing the order of testing helper files with Typescript

I am building Angular.js application based on gulp building system and decided to move to typescript. I don't use the module system for managing source files as I have gulp-angular-filesort that handles the ordering.

Never the less there is still one place in the application where I could use some module loader/manager.

Before execution of my unit tests (Jasmine) I need to set up big mock data sets. As they are used in different test files, I've moved them out into *spec.factory.js files for readability and having single responsibility. The issue is that I can't just include all *spec.factory.js because the order of some files matter.

I have file responsible for single item in response collection item.spec.factory and file where the response is created - read collection from items is formed - response.spec.factory.

I'm using karma to run this and wonder if there is a way to require item.spec.factory in the response.spec.factory file by Typescript means, so I can abandom specifying the order of files in karma.conf.js and just add there one line: *spec.factory.js to get all factories.

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