jeudi 30 juin 2016

chai expect does not check multiple classes using "to.have.class" api

The following test is to check whether an icon appears on a node or not. rootComponent.virtualComponentId =rootcomponent

   it("is sort icon visible on component tree", function() {
            var treeNode = $("<li>");
            var menuItem = {actionArgs: {id: "childComponentText"}};


            expect(treeNode).to.have.class("dst-hint-component-icon-tree  dst-hint-icon-tree-node dst-hints-" + rootComponent.virtualColumnId + "-last");

Getting the following error.

AssertionError: expected <li><span title="View applied actions" class="dst-hint-component-icon-tree  dst-hint-icon-tree-node dst-hints-rootcomponent-last"></span></li> to have class 'dst-hint-component-icon-tree  dst-hint-icon-tree-node dst-hints-rootcomponent-last'

Is there any other way to test whether the particular class is applied or not ?

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