jeudi 30 juin 2016

Unit Testing angular $httpBackend service

I've got right now a project were we need to have the backend server mocked for the time being and we are using $httpBackend on the application .run feature. I need to unit test this service that contains the $httpBackend as we will be having a vast amount of mocked calls to the server we will be covering. So right now this is what I have. As a preface to my question the current setup works when I call 'mockDataService.getWorkflowTask' from a controller on a simple page.

My Server replacement service:

angular.module('app').run(function ($httpBackend, $resource, FakeBackendService) {
    // TODO: add all necessary http intercepts.  
    $httpBackend.whenGET('JSON file').respond(function (method, url, data) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
        return [request.status, request.response, {}];
    $httpBackend.whenGET(/.*/).respond(function (method, url, data) {

        return [200, FakeBackendService.getWorkflowTasks(), {}];

Here is the service for FakeBackendService:

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var injectParams = [];

    function service(lodash) {
        var vm = this;

        var ret = {
            getWorkflowTasks: getWorkflowTasks

        function getWorkflowTasks() {
            if (vm.workflowtasks.length < 1) {
                vm.workflowtasks = loadWorkflowTasks("Some JSON file");
            return vm.workflowtasks;

        function loadWorkflowTasks(file) {
            var workflowTasks = [];
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "GET", file, false);

            if (request.status == 200) {
                workflowTasks = angular.fromJson(request.response);
            return workflowTasks;

        function init() {
            vm.workflowtasks = [];


        return ret;

    service.$inject = injectParams;
    angular.module('mock.FakeBackendService', []).service('FakeBackendService', service);

So that is currently the backend server replacement mock. The following is my data handling service which contains the call to $http.get(blah blah blah).

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var injectParams = ['$http', '$q', 'mockConfigService', '$httpBackend'];

    function factory($http, $q, configService, $httpBackend) {
        var vm = this;

        var factory = {
            getWorkflowTask: getWorkflowTask

        function getWorkflowTask(str) {
            return getResource(str);

        function init() {
            // Get the URL we will be using to get data from
            vm.dataServiceURL = configService.getDataServiceURL();

        function getResource(baseResource) {
            var resource = vm.dataServiceURL + baseResource;

            return $http.get(resource).then(function (response) {
                if (typeof == 'object') {
                    // Got valid response
                    return $q.resolve(;
                else {
                    // Invalid response
                    return $q.reject(;
            }, function (response) {
                // Something went wrong
                return $q.reject(;

        return factory;

    factory.$inject = injectParams;

    angular.module('mock.dataService', []).factory('mockDataService', factory);

Now for the Jasmine-Karma Unit test.

describe("HTTP Backend Mock testing", function () {


    it("Get the workflow task", angular.mock.inject(function (mockDataService) {
        var valid = "";

        var promise = mockDataService.getWorkflowTask('http://localhost/foo');

        promise.then(function (response) {
            valid = "Success";
        }, function (response) {
            valid = "Failure";


Now to the question. So, I'll start by saying I'm new to the AngularJS world and even more so to Jasmine. Anyways, when I debug the unit test I find that the promise's status is still 0 and I always get expected '' to be 'Success' telling my I never resolve (hopefully I'm using the right lingo) the promise from the $http service in mockDataService. I've tried playing around with it some and tried to see if anyone has done this kind of a thing before. I found plenty of examples where the $httpBackend is mocked in the test but none like what I'm attempting. Any ideas or suggestions would be great. Thanks.

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