mardi 3 mars 2015

How to unit test javascript function that calls getJSON

I've been struggling with unit test for 2 days now and there is something I can't achieve regarding async test. I'm new to unit test and I don't understand why this doesn't work.

I have a file login.js that calls a $.getJSON(url, data, function) and returns a string with the status of login ("success" or "fail"). The call to $.getJSON uses mockjax to get the data (it wraps an ajax call). The login function works ok, when called from a test webpage using jQuery click event. But now I'm trying to run headless test using Qunit and PhantomJS. It seems the problem is that the test is not waiting for the $.getJSON call to get the result (even when using a timeout). Any clues? Here is the code.


var login = function(user, pass){
$.getJSON("loginURL", {"user":user, "pass":pass}, function(response){
if(response.status === "success"){
//do something
return "success";
//do something else
return "fail";


test("Test login", function(){
var user = "user1", pass = "pass1";
var done = assert.async();
var result = login(user, pass);
assert.equal(result, "success", "expect login succeded");

In the test result I get: Expected: "success" Resutl: undefined

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