I'm trying to write a test for a controller that has $rootScope.$on('accountsSet', function (event)...
. So in the tests I'm using .broadcast.andCallThrough()
which many other questions here in SO suggest while it also worked before for me.
So my controller is pretty simple:
angular.module('controller.sidemenu', [])
.controller('SidemenuCtrl', function($rootScope, $scope, AccountsService) {
$rootScope.$on('accountsSet', function (event) {
$scope.accounts = AccountsService.getAccounts();
$scope.pro = AccountsService.getPro();
Any the test is simple as well:
describe("Testing the SidemenuCtrl.", function () {
var scope, createController, accountsService;
inject(function ($injector, AccountsService) {
scope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
controller = $injector.get('$controller');
accountsService = AccountsService;
createController = function() {
return controller('SidemenuCtrl', {
'$scope' : $injector.get('$rootScope'),
'AccountsService' : accountsService,
it("Should load the SidemenuCtrl.", function () {
spyOn(scope, '$broadcast').andCallThrough();
var controller = createController();
scope.$broadcast("accountsSet", true);
The error I'm getting if for spyOn(scope, '$broadcast').andCallThrough();
. Note that scope for this tests is rootScope
so that shouldn't be a problem.
So the error that refers to that line: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'spyOn(scope, '$broadcast').andCallThrough()') at .../tests/controllers/sidemenu.js:30
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