I'm writing tests for a Backbone view and am trying to simulate pressing the enter button. I have found several answers on how to simulate keypress and click events, however I do not think they are working. I get the following error message when running my tests: AssertionError: expected createOnEnter to have been called exactly once, but it was called 0 times
Shouldn't the function I an trying to test be triggered automatically when we use jquery's trigger
method? Is there some special caveat when it come to Backbone apps when simulating click and keypress events?
My test code is as follows:
describe("AppView", function() {
before(function () {
// create test fixture
this.$fixture = $('<div id="app-view-fixture">' +
'<input id="new-comment" type="text" placeholder="what do you think?">' +
'<div class="comment-buttons">' +
'<div class="post-button"></div>' +
'<div class="cancel-button"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<section id="main" class="comment-list">' +
'<ul class="comments-container" id="comment-list"></ul>' +
beforeEach(function () {
// bind the fixture for each run
// set-up fake server
this.server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
this.server.autoRespond = true;
// instantiate our models
this.model1 = new Comment({
"comment": "I like cookies",
"created": "12-12-2012",
"modified": "13-01-2013",
"user": {
"username": "Mr. Knight"
this.model2 = new Comment({
"comment": "I pirate everything!",
"created": "14-09-2012",
"modified": "21-01-2013",
"user": {
"username": "Mr. Casanova"
// place models in array for use in collection instantiation
this.models = [this.model1, this.model2];
// instantiate our collection with models from above
this.collection = new CommentList(this.models,
{url: "items/1234567890/comments"}
// stub fetch because it is called in the initialize method of AppView and causes an error if not stubbed
this.fetchStub = sinon.stub(CommentList.prototype, "fetch", function() {return this.models});
// instantiate our new view
this.view = new AppView ({
"collection": this.collection,
"el": this.$fixture
this.createSpy = sinon.spy(this.view, "createOnEnter");
afterEach(function () {
// destroy our view
// restore our stub
// undo our server
after(function () {
// empty our fixtures div
it("should create new comment on 'Enter'", function () {
// Simulate an "enter" (keycode 13) event on `enterNote` after
// we have entered a title in the new note input field.
// See: http://ift.tt/193YMfF
.val("Hot models up-stairs")
.trigger($.Event("keypress", { which: 13 }));
The code I am trying to test is a part of AppView:
// If you hit return in the main input field, create new **Comment** model,
// persisting it to *localStorage*.
createOnEnter: function(event) {
if (event.keyCode != 13) return;
if (!this._input.val()) return;
And it has createOnEnter set in the event hash:
events: {
"keypress #new-comment": "createOnEnter"
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